Donald Bordenave ’52 originally set out to be an attorney, however, after serving in the Korean War he realized his true calling in life was education. After earning his teaching credentials he went on to teach English, History and coach football at Santa Clara High School. He would go on to be associated with the Santa Clara Unified School District for 56 years. Don never stopped learning and after obtaining his master’s he became principal of the school and later part of the School Board. His administrative responsibilities prevented him from coaching at SCHS, but he needed an outlet. In 1959, SCU resurrected its football program under his good friend, Pat Malley. He volunteered his time as an unpaid assistant coach alongside Pat, and later his son Terry, for 33 years. He was also a celebrated athlete during his time at SCU and was inducted into the Athletic Hall of Fame. Don died on March 8, 2022 and is survived by extended family including son Thomas Bordenave ’80.