Denis G. O’Neal J.D. ’83, an attorney in private practice, serves as a member of the Santa Clara County Personnel Board and as a hearing officer for Santa Clara County’s Department of Planning and Development. He is also a commissioner on the board of the Housing Authority of the County of Santa Clara. In 2004, O’Neal retired as Deputy County Counsel at the County of Santa Clara, where he had worked for more than 20 years. During that time, he was president and negotiator for the Santa Clara County Counsel Attorneys Association. Before joining the County Counsel’s office, Commissioner O’Neal was a research assistant for labor law Professor Herman Levy at Santa Clara University School of Law and was a summer extern for former California Supreme Court Justice Allen Broussard. Prior to becoming an attorney, he was a Santa Clara County eligibility and social services worker for 13 years. During that time, he was a founding member, officer and negotiator for Service Employees International Union (SEIU) locals 535 and 715. A native of Vallejo, he grew up in a military family and went to grade school and high school in five countries and three states. A resident of Morgan Hill, Commissioner O’Neal is married, with one son and two grandchildren. He was appointed to HACSC’s Board of Commissioners in 2011.