An epiphany over burgers and beer during a visit to her beloved Sag Harbor, New York, led Cheryl M. Bedini J.D. ’93 to skip prepping for the bar exam after graduating from Santa Clara Law School and open the Java Nation coffee roastery on Main Street with her husband, Andres, instead. Cheryl Carrion was born in 1964 in Manhattan. A gifted athlete, Cheryl was a track star at her high school in Massachusetts—throwing the shot and discus, and setting a record as part of a 4-by-100 relay team. She also played on the basketball and volleyball teams. While working as a paralegal following her graduation from George Washington University, she played on her firm’s softball team, for which her future husband was sometimes called in as a ringer. While attending Santa Clara in the early 1990s, she and Andres got into the local fresh roasted coffee culture; the couple eventually travelled all over attending coffee-growing regions in India, Peru, Argentina and more. As a mother to two daughters, she volunteered often with the Sag Harbor School District, heading its multicultural night for a decade and supporting sports teams. Cheryl remained active, playing indoor tennis and learning to sail. She was a regular player at the Town Line BBQ trivia nights and would save her winnings to buy a nonresident East Hampton Village beach parking sticker each summer to go to the ocean, where she would read and nap and watch her children play in the water. She died on April 22, 2020, at home of a heart attack. She was 55.