If you appreciate the many uses of duct tape, from makeshift bandages to keeping your boat afloat, then you would have something major in common with Carlton Vanderbeek Jr. ’59. In his 85 years, Carl did a lot of living and a lot of boating, always with a roll of shiny silver duct tape in hand. A man of many talents, Carl was a high-jumper on the track & field team at Santa Clara. He was an avid water skier and bowler, even appearing once in the Guinness Book of Records for a bowling feat. During his time in the military, Carl was a cryptographer and well-known for his innovations in computers. He earned a master’s degree at George Washington University and later worked on software to help model the moon landing for NASA Langley. His work was also critical to the stabilization of new technology like ATMs and cell phones. Amidst his technological achievements, Carl never stopped sailing. He was the king of the MacGyver approach to problem-solving, and had a refreshingly casual approach to health, safety, and sometimes common sense. Carl died Dec. 11, 2023.