Brad Mattson MBA ’89 has just published The Solar Phoenix: How America Can Rise from the Ashes of Solyndra to World Leadership in Solar 2.0. The book explains why solar is fundamental to the world’s energy future, and how the industry has passed a cost tipping point. It provides a set of detailed road maps of how, when, and where the solar energy revolution will take place. And it challenges the United States to take its rightful place as the world’s solar superpower.

After taking both Novellus and Mattson Technology from his garage to NASDAQ, Mattson retired from the semiconductor industry and became involved with social entrepreneurship, pursuing the goal of “technology benefiting humanity.” During that pursuit, he fell in love with solar.
As a venture capitalist and now as the CEO of Siva Power, Mattson is working to bring solar to the cost point that would unlock the market – making clean, affordable energy available to everyone, everywhere. He lives with his wife Vicky Mattson ’84 in Silicon Valley.

29 Oct 2018