Bernard J. Heavey Jr. J.D. ’72 died in Vancouver, Wash., on Jan. 23, 2012, following a short illness. He was born Jan. 1, 1927, in Brooklyn, N.Y., to Bernard Joseph and Annabella Marie (Kenny) Heavey. He was preceded in death by twin brother Francis J. Heavey, brother James T. Heavey, sister Anabel Bentson, son Laurence R. Heavey, MD, and grandson Jackson Joseph Heavey. He is survived by his brothers Edward Heavey and Lawrence C. Kenney (Phyllis), his children Michael J. Heavey J.D. ’76 (Connie), Karen Haines (Paul), Thomas Heavey, Sr. (Nancy), Patrick R. Heavey (Marilou), Nancy Evans (Dan), and daughter-in-law Jill Heavey. He is also survived by thirteen grandchildren, eleven great-grandchildren, and many beloved nieces and nephews. Additionally he leaves dear friend and companion, Colleen Brueckner. An engineer, lawyer, community activist, brother, father, friend; Bernie Heavey made a great impact on this world and on those who knew him. He served his community, he cared for his friends, and he loved his family.