Anthony Hascheff ’15 is a Community/Economic Development Peace Corps Volunteer in Paraguay (and a Global Fellow to Indonesia in 2013, and recipient of the Peter-Hans Kolvenbach, S.J. Award). He writes, "I have been in Paraguay for almost a year and am starting catch my rhythm within my community and the projects that I am working on. I live in María Auxiliadora, a city of over 30,000 in the southern part of Paraguay, near the borders of Brazil and Argentina. "My main projects include: teaching English to community members, teaching high school students business and how to develop a business plan, advising small businesses on everything from budgeting to internet marketing, coaching the local high school basketball team, and most recently, starting a community organization aimed at developing youth leaders. "We recently completed our first full day camp where our participants set their own definition of the word ‘leader’, participated in team-building activities and learned new skills through a ‘learning stations’ circuit. Outside of the camp, I host Saturday morning activities where the local youth come to my house and do everything from make fictional news casts to discuss gender inequality. As a Peace Corps Volunteer, you receive very little money so the toothy grins, positive energy, and “thank-yous” from children serve as your salary. And to be honest, I wouldn’t want to receive my pay in any other form.

"This job is definitely not without its ups and downs but seeing 40 kids running around in your yard, playing soccer and discussing what it means to be a leader makes it all worth while. Peace Corps truly is the hardest job you’ll ever love."

30 Oct 2018